Erik Stolt has together with Daniel Fogelsjöö produced the documentary "Once Salmon, Always Salmon?". The film tells about the passion for fly fishing for salmon, the future of wild salmon and about the environmental problems with salmon farming in open net pens. The documentary was published in May 2021 on FishEco, Frödinflies & Fiskebloggen's Youtube channels. The script is written by Erik and he has also directed the film.
Viewer comments on the film:
“This is a wonderful, informative & concerning video. Thank you for sharing!!!”
“The best-lit situation about the future of wild salmon.”
“A great film, hopefully the pictures will reach more than just a few fly fishermen.”
“Respect for all people involved in this documentary, I hope the people who will see this sad story will realize what it's the biggest problem in the world for salmon and we should do something about it and until it's too late.”
“Brilliant video guys, keep fighting the good fight, us together can make a difference”
”It's really good that you raise the issue and convey it in such an exemplary way! Tight lines!”
Erik Stolt's goal is to build a documentary film business where the focus will be on stories that otherwise would probably never be told.